About us


Welcome to Tidy Solutions, where our journey began with a mother-daughter team on a mission to create clean, welcoming spaces and build a brighter future.

The Beginning

Tidy Solutions was born from a place of resilience and determination. In a defining moment for our family team, Lisa our co-founder reached a crossroads after her tenure ended at another cleaning company, marking the culmination of 15 years of dedicated service. Facing uncertainty and the need to support themselves and their family, they decided to turn their passion for cleaning into a new opportunity.

A Fresh Start

With family on our side, we embarked on a new chapter, determined to build something of our own. Together, Tidy Solutions was founded, a company built on the values of reliability, integrity, and customer satisfaction.

Our Values

At Tidy Solutions, we believe in the power of connection and the importance of every interaction. As a family team, we bring a unique blend of experience, dedication, and warmth to every job. We take pride in getting to know our clients, understanding their needs, and delivering personalized service that exceeds expectations.

Inception and Inspiration

Family Values and Dedication

Growth and Evolution

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